Family Lawyer in Edmonton | Understanding Custody & Child Support

Family Lawyer in Edmonton | Understanding Custody & Child Support

In Canada, 40% of all marriages end in divorce says family lawyer in Edmonton. However, 25% of these marriages involve dependant children. That makes a whole lot of children that have to go through the process of their parents negotiating the custody and child support. One thing that parents need to keep in mind, is in order for their children to end up coming out not being emotionally affected in a negative way, they should both be working towards their children’s best interest at all times.

family lawyer in Edmonton recommends that parents should put parenting their children during a marital breakdown as both parents top priority. This is extremely important, because even if a parent does not think that their child is affected by the divorce or the marital breakdown, it is. Children are very perceptive, and if a parent thinks the situation is very stressful, then it is even more stressful for their child. Therefore, parents should look at things through the eyes of their children, in order to ensure they end up with an outcome that is in their children’s best interest.

The next thing that family lawyer in Edmonton says that parents should take into consideration, is that often what guides a lot of divorcing parents decisions is fear. Fear of losing their children to the other parents. And fear of losing their child to another adult who enters into their child’s life. Ultimately, what is going to help ensure that parents are keeping a great relationship with their children is ensuring that the divorce process is not emotionally overwhelming them. And that they seek an outcome that truly has their child’s best interest at heart.

Well there’s no correct way to come up with a custody and child support agreement, the shift is starting to be more towards parents sharing custody of the children. This is either a 60e, 40% splits or a 50, 50% split. Shared custody means That’s neither parent there’s the weight of all of the child support payments. And if a parent has opted to go with shared custody, family lawyer in Edmonton says that they don’t have to adhere to the federal guidelines for child support.

However, parents that do have sole custody will have to adhere to the federal guidelines of child support. But this is according to family lawyer in Edmonton is they calculate both parents income, look at the number of children in the marriage, and that is a straight calculation. When parents are able to make a decision if they want shared custody and no child support payments, or sole custody and child support payments, they can start making the decision a lot easier.

It is a very overwhelming and emotional situation to navigate a divorce or separation says family lawyer in Edmonton. Therefore, parents should take into consideration how overwhelming this will be for their children. By acting in their children’s best interest at all times, they can minimize the negative effect on their children, so that they can end up coming out of the situation well-adjusted.

Family Lawyer in Edmonton | Understanding Custody & Child Support

There are several things that parents should take into consideration when they are separating or divorcing with children says family lawyer in Edmonton. But out of all of the things that they need to take into consideration, their Children’s Welfare should be number one. While many people believe that this means trying to have sole custody of their children. This is not necessarily the case. Parents needs to look at it from their children’s viewpoints, and not through their own Viewpoint and their own fears. By thinking of their children first, and working with their spouse to come up with an outcome that is in everyone’s best interest, they can ensure that their children will be well-adjusted as they leave the situation.

In order for parents to understand if they needs to deal with custody and child support is if they have children in the marriage. However, family lawyer in Edmonton says that many people don’t understand what makes them a child of the marriage. While it’s true that children need to be the age of majority, which is 18 in Alberta. This doesn’t necessarily mean that all children who are over 18 are no longer Children of the marriage. If they are going to post-secondary institutions, or if they have an illness or disability, they will be considered Children of the marriage. And how long they’re going to post-secondary, or how long they are going to be ill or disabled might make them dependant children for a lot longer than many people realize.

The next thing that parents should take into consideration is the custody of the children. family lawyer in Edmonton says custody is the next thing to figure out, because the child support will be based on what custody the parents have agreed upon. While it was very commonplace for one parents to have sole custody in the past, family lawyer Edmonton says that parents in the last 15 or 20 years are starting more and more to share even custody of their children. The most important thing to note of shared custody, is if it is 60% and 40%, or 50% and 50%, they don’t have to adhere to the federal guidelines of Child Support.

Another thing that parents should take into consideration, is if they have any extraordinary circumstances that require additional payments. While child support for basic amounts may not apply if there is shared custody. family lawyer in Edmonton says that parents also need to take into consideration if their children have any additional expenses such as medical, extracurricular, academic just to name a few. By taking these things into consideration, they can come up with an special expense child support that have both parents paying into a pool to help pay for the shared expenses of their children.

Whatever is in the child’s best interest is going to be best decided by the parents says family lawyer in Edmonton. And they need to work together one last time to come up with an agreement that is fair and Equitable for their child, and not themselves. When they put their children first, they will end up with the best case scenario.