Family Lawyer in Edmonton | Frequently Asked Questions About Child Custody

Family Lawyer in Edmonton | Common Questions About Child Custody

If people think that coming up with a divorce or separation agreement with just a spouse is difficult, family lawyer in Edmonton says it’s even more difficult when there are children involved. Parents needs to not only negotiate the terms of their separation or their divorce. But they also have to be doing it in a way that allows them to come up with a child custody and child support agreement that’s in the best interest of their children. It can be extremely difficult for parents to work together to come up with a solution in the best interest of their child, while their marriage is falling apart. However, parents should dig deep, and figure out what’s the best way to do this, because their child’s well-being is at stake.

There are a lot of questions that’s parents often have when it comes to child custody and support that can help them end up with the best outcome possible. The first question that parents often have is: what are the most common concerns about custody during a separation or divorce? family lawyer in Edmonton says that this one is hands-down fear. Both parents whether they admit it to each other or even themselves or not say that they are fearful about losing their child. Whether this is losing the child to the other parent. Or losing that child to another adults that might come into their child’s life and be a parental figure. Regardless of that sphere, parents need to understand that they will be able to completely avoid this fear if they work together to the best interest of the child, and then stay involved in their child’s life.

The second question that parents often have is: what is the largest reason for contention within the divorce? This one is who gets custody of the dependant children since family lawyer in Edmonton. This is by far one of the most contentious issues when it comes to dependant children in the marriage. This needs to be handled well so that it’s less stressful on the children. Ultimately, parents should look at it from the children’s point of view, and that’s exactly how the court is going to look at it as well. By keeping that in mind since family lawyer in Edmonton, they will be able to come up with a solution that makes sense for their children.

Ultimately, it is a very difficult thing to divorce, and when there’s children involved it becomes even more difficult. However, my parents needs to act maturely, and work together to ensure that they come up with a custody and child support agreement that is definitely in their child’s best interest. Now is not the time for petty squabbles and using the child to get back at each other. By doing this, parents will be able to work together, and come up with what’s in their child’s best interest. And that’s going to ensure that parents are able to keep their relationship very healthy with their children.

Family Lawyer in Edmonton | Questions About Child Custody

It’s very important for people to understand that 40% of all marriages in Canada will end in divorce says family lawyer in Edmonton. And 25% of these divorces are going to include dependant children. Therefore, many people are going to have to not only negotiate the terms of their divorce, but also negotiate their own the custody and child support agreements as well. This can be very stressful time, but when parents work together to get what is in their child’s best interest, they’re going to be able to end up with a fair and Equitable agreement, and have their child not suffering because of it.

There are many questions that parents often have when they navigate these issues for the very first time. The first question that parents often have is: do most parents share custody, or is custody still being awarded to one parent or the other? family lawyer in Edmonton says that in the past 15 to 20 years, the shift has been towards shared custody, which is either a 50 and 50% splits of the time that a child spends with each parent. Or a moderately different split of 40% and 60%. By sharing custody, both parents have equal opportunities to see their children. And in addition to that, the children will have more time with both parents, resulting in the best outcome for the child.

The next question that parents often have when it comes to separating or divorcing with dependant children is: what is the best possible outcome regarding child custody? This one is going to be whatever is in the best interest of the child. family lawyer in Edmonton says there is no specifically right or wrong answer to this question. As long as parents do not get caught up in their own conflict that they don’t see how this is affecting their children. When they truly put their children’s best interest first, they will be able to end up with a situation where their child wins, no matter what the wording of the child custody and child support agreements say.

The third question that parents often have when it comes to custody and child support is this: are child custody and child support issues something that can be agreed to during mediation? This is an absolutely great questions as family lawyer in Edmonton, because the answer is yes. Why parents can’t often come to agreements, because the communication has broken down too much. However, by coming to mediation or collaboration, parents can end up decide the fates of their children, keeping their children and their children’s best interest in mind. By doing this, parents will maintain control of their own decisions, and avoid having to have the court make a decision on their behalf.

When parents can avoid having the court make a decision, they will maintain control of the decisions that they make regarding the raising of their children including where the child lives, what school they go to, and what parents get to see them and when. Although the courts tries to make the decision in the best interest of the child, ultimately Nobody Knows the best interest of the child quite like the child’s parents.